
Community Play Day 2024

Sadly Beethoven died in 1827 before the saxophone was invented, but we gave them and the bass clarinet pride of place along with the cellos, for the start of his 3rd symphony from which our musicians gave a magnificent rendering of the opening section as the finale to our fourth Play Day.

We used our tried and tested layout for the day which gave the strings and winds quality time with their specialist Tutors and DCO "buddies" before coming together as a full orchestra.  Throughout the day we played lots of lovely music and everyone enjoyed the cake and camaraderie! 

Thanks again to the Co op for their financial support via the Local Causes, which have enabled these events to be free to all participants.

How the Community Play Days started.
On Sunday 6th October 2019 Dunblane Chamber Orchestra held the first Musical Play-Day for adults. The idea for this day came from the DCO audience members who told us over the years about being lapsed musicians or just starting to play an instrument in retirement, but not having the experience to join a group yet. So, we thought we could help, and with funding from Stirling Council and the Co-op, we set about organising the first Play Day.